A young (still consider la) yet old lady

My brain is not functioning well now. I am feeling sleepy and exhausted. I guess it's a result of resting for too long (2 and a half months?) OR because I am getting older -_-? Whatever it is, it has taken its toll on me coz I am having sour shoulders and a stiff neck now -.-

I have to attend multiple trainings for the upcoming weeks. Not sure if its good or bad but everything is systematically in place. Just that too many procedures tend to confuse me a bit. I hope I can adapt to the environment as soon as possible because not having things under control freaks me out. I am a typical insecure Capricorn.

Sorry no pictures today coz I am too tired to capture anything and it has been raining since last night? And the same weather is gonna last until Friday according to the weather forecast! 4 rainy days in a row, how depressing it is -_-.

P.S. Very demotivated la, none of my friends leave me any comment -_- at least leave a msg in the chatbox let me know you are surviving can? I admit I am lonely here la...entertain me a bit, pls -.-


mrbherng said…
You will get used to the gloomy weather in no time. By the way, nobody comes to the UK for the weather or the food though.

Oh, and if you have the time and still feeling lonely. Try contacting and joining of the many London Universities' Malaysian Societies.
Mei said…
mrbherng: Thanks. yeap, I come for the money...did I just say that? I am aiming to travel as frequent as I can.

Do the societies still accept old ppl like me -.-?

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