My Fifth Saturday in London

Before I move on to blog about Saturday, I want to explain a lil about my existence in London now. Many people have been asking me what I am doing in London or what is working holiday maker (okayla, actually nobody asked but I wana blog about it, can? ).

Referring to website: The working holidaymaker scheme is an arrangement where a Commonwealth citizen aged between 17 and 30 can come to the United Kingdom (UK) for an extended holiday for up to two years. You can work, but only provided this is incidental to the holiday. The holiday should be the primary reason for your stay.

Hence, three 20s gave up their career and spent around 5-digit to be/get here (we use our own savings that explains my entry on More than bread and water ). Now you know why we are here? If anyone is interested about the visa application procedures please let me know. Or else I guess it will be too bored to blog it here if no one has interest.

Skip and jump - yesterday we decided to go to Regents Park again since Abi (my cousin brother) haven't been there. As usual, we took lotsa pictures.

Squirrel looking at me curiously. It must be its first time seeing someone so beautiful...wahaha

One of the fountain

Wanted to do the jump-and-capture thingy but failed kao kao

So cold and lonely ...

After that we took bus to Camden Town because I read a blog mentioning there's a big market there with cheap things! Although I have no idea where is the exact location.

We managed to find the place coz of the crowd. Went to the London version pasar malam (I think its not consider night market coz its only around 4pm). The crowd is not as happening as compare to Malaysia or maybe we are late coz some of the stalls were closing.

We then walked to the Camden Town Market. Its just right opposite the Inverness Street Market. I saw some really funky rain boots that cost around 12 pounds per pair.

Reminds me of the black boots that ppl wear in the pasar

It started to drizzle after a while. I really can't make myself like the London weather. We were forced to leave the place and took tube to Leicester Squre where the China Town is located. To make ourself happy we fed ourself at one of the Chinese restaurants. We ordered 3 plates of shredded chicken fried rice coz it's budget + delicious + easier to be full. The restaurant was so packed til we gotta "dap toi" with 4 mat sallehs and they are easily satisfied by simple chinese dishes that we believe we can cook better than the restaurant (not sombong okay).

On the way to Oxford Street, we passed by the Apple shop. There were so many people inside the shop and I believe mostly are playing with the iPhone.

I was actually kinda sien with Apple products coz almost everyone has an i product and its expensive. To me it is more to a brand than a gadget. However, after playing with the iPhone I can't help but to fall in love with it!!

Surfing my own blog

A picture with cousin sis. Nice right the pic!! We like the pic so much and we decided ...

Since the pic above is so lovely we decided to share it with others so we left the shop with the iPhone place like this ... the next person is a lucky fella

my watermark wrong spelling -.-

So that concludes my Saturday ~

P.S. I hope everything goes fine tomorrow. Don't ask me why -.-


mrbherng said…
Regents park looked the best in early Autumn/late Summer with the rose garden and everything. Best part, you can even go in your flip flops if you are lucky!!!

Just popping by anyway
Unknown said…
hey ya, i prefer hyde park. much more better for a walk. anyway, don't feel so lonely there ya. keep urself busy. once you get used to it, u will spent ur time juz like how u did back in m'sia. hav fun ya. oh btw, i am studying at liverpool

-Uncle Ho's Apprentice-
Mei said…
mrbhern: Leave a comment on your blog;)

siang loong: Couldn't access your blogger profile :@! I hope to get use to the weather which I belive I will never ever able to make it -.-.
nic said…
Actually, it is good to know about the visa procedures what are the steps?

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