Random Photos ~

To avoid my blog turning into a very serious blog, I am gonna stop writing about applying WHM for a while (actually no time to write T_T).

Lack of pictures for the previous post, so this entry is going to be photos, photos and photos.

Playing with my new camera in the tube (asked Fei to take this picture to see how slim is the camera - just like my legs...wahaha)

Blue me and Red Fei in the Korean restaurant

Me and my newly met friend - Mia in Garfunkels

Delicious food in Spanish Restaurant - La Tasca, Oxford Street. Million thanks to Fei or else I might only step into this restaurant few months later (need to save money -_-)

Getting hyper even before drinking the bottle of Corona

More hyper

More and more hyper

Ended up taking photos in the washroom -_-

Me and Yaw Ming. First time and last time meeting him in London (who knows you might come back again?)

Me and Callyn. A sweet and petite girl who is full of positive energy! Keep in touch!

3 of us before sending Yaw off. He's going back to Malaysia. We should have met earlier but it's not too late, come back!!! Anyway, I respect your decision (don't respect also can't do anything :P), wishing you all the best in Malaysia!

I know la, there are lotsa my photos - but I look good in most of them, how can I not post them? I seldom look good in photos just in case you don't know T________T. I have very bad face complexion so I have to post nice photos that are deceiving so that I won't scare anyone away -__________-. GET IT? I am starting to talk nonsense. 12 am now...got to go ~

P.S. Your kind gesture warm my heart although it might not mean anything to you. Thank you. You made my day.

~Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless - Mother Teresa ~


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