Visited Countries

visited 15 states (6.66%)

Apparently, I've only been to 15 countries and only 6.66% out of the total. I am almost sure that, there won't be a 100% for me. There are places that I will never consider of going ... (but it will be a different saying if I am being sponsored =p).

Being a working holiday maker has allowed me to travel to many Europe countries and I am glad I have taken up the opportunity. Just a little sad that I won't have enough time to leave my footprints in all the Europe countries. There are things and people in Malaysia that are holding me back. It's just time for me to go home after leaving my country for almost a year.

Counting down ...

to the day I am a free man/woman again - 22 days

to the day for my undone Europe trip - 24 days

to the day someone will be here - 38 days

to the day for my 2nd part of the undone Europe trip but this time, with you - 40 days

to the day I bid farewell to London - 53 days

to the day I step on my home soil once again - 55 days

I am waiting impatiently but I am getting there ...


Unknown said…
Holla MK, glad to hear u r doing well there and getting used to the life. its good to c u had fun visiting all those countries :D
Mei said…
shingo81: Thanks =) but I only put up happy photos..haha

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