
Showing posts from September, 2008

Very busy ...

Today is my last working day in London! Thursday I will be off to Berlin following by 2 weeks travelling. Have shipped some of my stuffs back to Malaysia. Now I am busy preparing my upcoming trips - have to do lots of research - tiring. But from tomorrow onwards, I don't have to wake up early for work...something to look forward to =). Sorry about the bits and pieces...I am just too busy...(yes, it's an excuse :p)

Bed Bugs are Back!

Forgive me for not blogging properly. With the return of my "best friends", I have no mood time to blog. I CAN'T WAIT to ENTERTAIN them and make sure they go to hell home happily. Especially when they have brought me lovely gifts - 5 bites on my left hand, 2 bites on the right hand and 2 bites on my right leg. How can I not thank them in return!!! So kind of them to visit me at the beginning of this chilly autumn. They must have been thinking by lingering on me in the midnight will warm me up. Pierces through my skin to injects its saliva and suck my blood to ensure that I won't oversleep. Leaving me with red itchy lumps love marks to represent its undying love. Love that has been following me since my arrival in London. Oh, how can I not be touched?! I can't stop cursing missing them every time I scratch caress the lumps love marks. I can't wait to tell the whole world I hope you will rot in hell love you! I can't wait to squeeze you to death to s...

Bitten by Bugs Again!

Yes, this time is my left hand. It's swelling now and I can't stop scratching it. My hand is painful and stiff when I try to move it. It seems like I am loved by the insects here. I have done all I can do, cleaned the bed sheets, changed my pillowcase and vacuum my sleeping area. The bug is still around and I have no idea how does it look like. This is worse than my previous bed bugs case -_-. Will be back when I feel like typing more. Tired. I have taken the antihistamine tablet that makes me feel drowsy and sleepy. Nitez all.

A Bad Week for Me

Sometimes I do wonder how not-so-good-things (I don't want to say bad coz I know I am luckier than many ppl in this world!) can happen to me all at once. 1. Bitten by mysterious bugs - My right hand was swollen and I couldn't stop scratching my hand. It was so itchy that I scratched my hand subconsciously while I was sleeping. The red blotches started to spread the next day and I was forced to take medicine. It's better now but my left hand is still scratching my right hand (why does this sound so wrong -_-?). I realised I am so prone to being bitten by bugs in London - beg bugs, spiders & all kind of weird bugs. I don't know why. The only explanation is - London hates me. Actually my cousins experienced the same thing as well but I am always the one with serious allergy. 2. Hostelworld Booking error - I was surfing Hostelworld for the past few days and realised their system has a very serious bug. If you open Hostelworld in multiple windows at the same time...

About Relationship~

Haha, I just digged out one of my draft entries and decided to publish it since I have written more than 2 paragraphs..Don't waste ma... I've been thinking a lot recently, about what's happening around me, about the world, about love, about life ... the list goes on. My body and mind are tired, I know it's time to go to bed but I really wana write something. The urge to voice out what's on my mind is too strong T_T. BUT please forgive me if you don't know/understand what I am writing next. Few days ago, I was being told that one of my good friend just broke up with her bf. They were together for 4 years and now ended up walking different paths. I know some of you will tell me time will never be the main reason of a break up, there are many couples/husband & wife that go separate ways even after being together for more than 10 years. I was just wondering what's the reason given by the person who initiates to part ways, "we are not meant ...

Visited Countries

visited 15 states (6.66%) Apparently, I've only been to 15 countries and only 6.66% out of the total. I am almost sure that, there won't be a 100% for me. There are places that I will never consider of going ... (but it will be a different saying if I am being sponsored =p). Being a working holiday maker has allowed me to travel to many Europe countries and I am glad I have taken up the opportunity. Just a little sad that I won't have enough time to leave my footprints in all the Europe countries. There are things and people in Malaysia that are holding me back. It's just time for me to go home after leaving my country for almost a year. Counting down ... to the day I am a free man/woman again - 22 days to the day for my undone Europe trip - 24 days to the day someone will be here - 38 days to the day for my 2nd part of the undone Europe trip but this time, with you - 40 days to the day I bid farewell to London - 53 days to the day I step on my home soil once again - 55...

Tonight, I Have A Date with ....

Myself~ Fei has gone out for a date and CJ is in Cardiff now. So I am home alone! I am actually suspecting it should be flat alone instead of home alone. Seeing that my neighbors downstairs have just moved out few days ago (they scolded us elephant -__-!) and the neighbors upstairs are not around (if they are, we can hear them walking around - like elephant..ahem, you should be able to get what the whole elephant thingy means...hahaha). BUT, I am feeling absolutely fine! So don't sympathize with me, especially on this miserable rainy day -_-. I have good plans ahead to date myself -__-. Dinner: - Leftover Pork Chop rice with gravy from last night - Home cooked white fish soup with lettuce (of course by me~) - Sweet and sour prawn balls! Argh...can't wait to eat them all. I have set a target to settle all my house chores before touching the food. I have to clean the bathroom, wash the floor mats and vacuum the flat. After that, it will be my home alone time, I am already thinki...


For the lack of updates. I was off sick from work for 2 days and also busy planning for my October trip. My days in London are numbered so I have a lot to do before I leave. I have to go out for grocery shopping now. Should be able to sneak in blogging tonight. Stay tuned!