
appreciation [əˌpriːʃɪˈeɪʃən -sɪ-]
1. thanks or gratitude
2. assessment of the true worth or value of persons or things

I find it hard to write a sentimental random post but it used to be my strength to blab and crap. What has aging done to me?! #lookingforexcuses Referring to the title, this post is about appreciation (duh...) but I don't know where to start :| You will be surprised to know that this post has been in draft stage for more than 5 days. I thought of giving up but I have so much to tell!

I've been through some down times but this time around I didn't have the chance to be in the emo stage for too long becauseeeeeee someone was there to pull me out of it. My family didn't question much and no pressure given on decisions that I've made maybe they are trying to ignore me...hahaha . And the crabbies, no questions asked when they sensed that I have no intention to do any story-telling. I thank them for the respect and trust.

I would say in a way I've "up-level" (this is affected by etng, just like playing games. Kind of like an improvement?). Few years ago, you will see me updating my FB and messenger status with emo messages that will make you depressed for the rest of your day. My blog will be filled with hatred messages, blames and doubts. Everyone who knows me well will know that I am used to be a pessimistic person.

So, what has changed me? I would say I am grateful for the people around me. I appreciate what they have done, nothing too complicated, just by simply accepting me the way I am. And also affecting me positively. They let me know that it's pointless living in the past because it brings you nowhere. You learn from it but you never bring it along with you for the rest of the journey. No matter what has brought you down, you are the one who decides your own feelings. Self-pitying is miserable and I did this for many years -.- . I am glad that I've finally understand after sooooooooooooo many years.

My trick now to be more positive? Whenever I am pissed off or sad, I will start counting my blessings. I have a family who always back me up, bf who is supportive (most importantly smarter than me..haha) and friends who know me so well. I can go to Old Town to eat my favorite kuey teow soup or OUG for its pork noodles or the Marmalade Chicken Chop in Desa Petaling! (food is my life, btw).

I had a discussion with Evon the other day about true friends. We both agree that true friends are those who will be there to advise you when you need help but they will always respect your final decision. If they fall, we will be there to catch them. And I am glad that, I know I have friends who will do that for me though I might need to slim down further ...hahaha...lame, I know. Thus, I shouldn't be complaining much.

Yea, so that's about my appreciation post. Oh, at last I would like to thank myself for trying to be a better person.  You are not there yet but at least you are trying.

Appreciation is a wonderful thing.  It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.  ~Voltaire


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