Have you stopped learning?

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been thinking a lot recently ... okay, I admit I am just too lazy to write...wahaha.

Anyway, I am still well and in one piece. Things I've done for the past few weeks:

- went for a Organ Gala Concert (it was OKAY though I did yawn a few times T_T. The play was good it's just the lack of artistics appreciation in me *shy*)
- went to Wimbledon, saw Rafael Nadal & Roger Federer
- did lotsa research for the trip end of this month (will let you know where I am going, if you are interested)
- went to the Emirates Stadium just to take pictures of the Arsenal logo
- sleep, eat, shit and my tummy is growing like I am pregnant now -____-

I am really thinking a lot recently, I realised I have stopped learning since I left uni/started working. I do learn new stuffs at work but the learning I am saying here it's to master something new that's not related to my job at all. It's a very sad case that I don't really have a hobby now (sleeping is not considered as a hobby -_-). I need a hobby that requires learning, reading and self-improvement. This is what leads to self-satisfaction, I believe -_-.

So I've made a decision today to learn something new everyday - be it words, language, skills, places & etc. To monitor myself, I have decided to post it here everyday! (erm, I try my best la. If I am not around or without Internet connection, I can't do anything right -____-). So you will be the one who's monitoring me! From now on, there will be lots of random, short & boring/exciting posts. Sorry, if nothing suits your reading taste T_T.

The following is a To-Do-List:

1. Improve HTML skill
2. Learn Javascript/any programming languages (need to think deep on this -.-)
3. Improve Photoshop
4. Listen to at least 1 English Podcast a day
5. Exercise more to get rid of my tummy
6. Build up my confident (this one is an impossible task la)
7. Start learning photography

That's all for now.

Raymond Gubbay Organ Gala Concert @ Royal Albert Hall

~Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere - Chinese Proverb~


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