Today is Snow Day ...

8am. Discovered it was snowing when I was on my way to the loo for my morning


Unbelievable. It is April now -_- Still in shocked stage.

Is this true or am I dreaming?

Picture time!

Stupid me wearing slippers -_-. My feet were so numb after a few minutes.

It's like a dream or a scene in the movie. Can you imagine when you are sleeping and outside is snowing silently?

Snow piling up.

snow man =)

I am satisfied. At least, I get to see snow in London where I am staying now and not through travelling or skiing =)

~Maybe part of loving is learning to let go - From the television show The Wonder Years~


haan said…
1st encounter with snow?
App|EyEe^ said…
I will be making a short visit to London coming 27th...guess by that time the snow will be gone huh?
I love snow!
driftingnomad said…
hey.. interesting blog you have. You might be able to help me actually. I recently applied for the work holiday visa its getting harder to get the visa now and so expensive! They called for the interview right any top tips? Once you're in the UK do they check up on you regularly? Thanks.
Anonymous said…
World climate is changing is more likely to have white easter rather than white xmas now..Global warming punya pasal...
Mei said…
haan: nope, but still happy to see it again =)

appleyee: I think the temperature will go up by then but London's weather is always unpredictable o_0. Which part of Europe you are visiting?

Mia: It really depends on your luck. You can get your visa straight away without going through the interview if you are lucky. As for the interview, just be honest to yourself and make them feel that you are really here for travelling not earning £! Nope, they don't check on you regularly, guess they don't have the time to do

lynn: yes lor, everyone talking about global warming, carbon emissions & etc etc here. Now they are discussing about getting rid the plastic bags -_-
App|EyEe^ said…
o.O..actually my schedule kinda tight. There's only 2 full days for me to explore London(3N),then i will fly to Budapest(3N), followed by Vienna(2N), Prague(2N) and finally Amsterdam(2N) b4 flying back to KL. Thats when i need to get back to reality and work..So whats ur recommendations for London...i am thinking to join a day tour to Stonehenge, Windsor & Bath. Left just miserable 1 day to explore London city..
yss said…
Hi, Mei,
Thanks for your advice. I am also a girl going to UK in June by myself. I believe that your advice do help me a lot. May i know it is easy to look for the reasonable accomdation there and how is the pay for the waitress in London?
Anonymous said…
:) slippers in the winter?
Unknown said…
Darn! I missed that snow! I was in Brussels for the weekend. Argh!!!

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