A Small Change A Day

A quick thought yesterday made me realised my life has been mundane and I really wanna make a difference. Hence, I've decided to start with making small changes in my daily life. This is to believe that, all these small changes will eventually lead to my destination *cough*, I mean reaching my ultimate objective of => "Getting Things Done & Feeling Accomplished At The Same Time" #asmallchangeaday

Today is the first day and I've started the #asmallchangeaday challenge with: 
  1. Leave for work 8 minutes earlier so that makes me arrived at the office 8-10 minutes earlier as well (yeah, there's no such thing as skipping the traffic jam and having the travel time shortened) 
  2. Finally blogging in year 2014 :X 
  3. To be continued ...

Your life will improve only when you take small chances, and the first and most difficult chance you can take is to be honest with yourself.


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