It's almost end of August!

I just realized I haven't updated anything in August! That shows how busy I am excuse la,just lazy & surf too much net reading nonsense online :p

There have been a lot going on in my life since July, I haven't really had the time for myself:

Company Trip to Hanoi - thanks bosses for the invitation. Do you believe it, this is like my 1st company trip after working for so many years I exaggerate a bit la, I am not that old okay, definitely not more than 10 working years . Had a great time with colleagues & watched 3 episodes of LOTR with my roomie - YH throughout the 3 nights before we zZz (3 hrs long for each episode -.-)!

Celebrated E-Sing & Tricia's birthday on a Thursday night. No photos taken, I was a bit sickish.

Weddings - bridesmaid for MS, attended wedding dinners

Photo courtesy: MS's wedding photographer :p
Wedding dinner @ InterContinental Hotel
Celebrated daddy's birthday with dinner that cost RM 400+. Thanks to dearest bro for spending us :D although I know his heart was bleeding

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Attended TEDxKL for the 1st time. Thanks Bin for the invitation & ticket, it's definitely a new experience for me. Bumped into Mr Willame as well :)

Went for US PRO Basketball Alumni with Bin & CW. Again, thanks Bin for the invitation. No photos taken because I brought a camera without a SIM card and I was so pissed off with myself that I refused to take any photos with my camera phone -.- Managed to see Pippen, Dennis Rodman & others.

Shifted to a new work location. I was looking forward to this due to a few reasons but I don't think I will put it down here. Wanna know why? Email me, hehehe.

via Picasaweb

Meet up with SY & Evon for breakfast before SY becomes a mom in September. We bought SY a set of baby products, mostly imprinted with her favorite cartoon character. I think you can guess which character from the packaging below.

Photo courtesy: Evon
Participated in a 3-day event in Mid Valley. Special thanks to Calvin & Jess who have helped out. It would have been tough for me to set up everything alone the night before the event.

Thanks J (with the kuih-muih), A, Tan, Alex, PY & B for dropping by. Also thanks to Fyona, Justin, CC, Lim, HK and Hafiz for the help & support. Thanks BG for the invitation, table, table cloth and flowers deco. Veron's sharing on her event experience . I wouldn't be able to do all these by myself. Sorry to make this sound like an Oscar speech *paiseh* but it was my first time handling task like this and all the help pulled me through. Thanks guys :)!

via GraphicsGrotto

Bike trip to Thailand - headed to Hatyai and Koh Samui over the weekend. It was a long journey, it's my 1st time traveling so far being a pillion. I couldn't feel my as* at the end of the day. Just imagine riding on a bike for more than 10 hours a day, gone through hot sun and heavy rain. BUT it was a fun-filled trip. Excellent company and we were being well taken care of. Thanks to those who have contributed to make this trip a great one, it's a great experience. I came home lau sai, had too much spicy food I will blog about this trip in details soon later.

@Koh Samui

Back to work today after the Raya weekend and workload is piling up. I am not complaining coz I think I really enjoy what I am doing now :), I just need more time to complete all the task, got to buck up!

Another exciting weekend ahead, meeting the crabbies & the rest this weekend! Can't wait.

After listing down all the activities in July & August, I just realized I have done so much not that much compare to many people, just that for a lazy person like me, I am surprised :p I am grateful for all the blessings, the beautiful people and things. I truly appreciate every single of them :) Thanks to family, bf and friends who have given me so much.

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. ~ Marcel Proust


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