Emo Post

The last post was written in 2016. I've been trying not to write about anything negative since 2012. I feel that as a grown up, you shouldn't portray yourself as an emo person online. So I started to write "proper posts". I penned down my travel and cooking experience, at times, positive notes about life.

But, I was not inspired to write anymore. Every time I started a draft, I would stop halfway. With that, I conclude I can only write when I am feeling emotional. That could be the main reason why I am writing this post today after 2 freaking years to jot down why I am so emo today. 

  • Eyes allergy that has been bothering me for 2 weeks! 
  • The usual monthly routine causes hormone changes.
  • Stress at work. Not so much about the work but more about dealing with people. Definitely a weakness of mine that needs huge improvement.  
  • Miss my late mom. 
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxx something that I can't reveal don't kill me. This reason is actually making me repeating all the sad songs on my playlist. 
Despite of these, life goes on. Regardless of the circumstances, the sun will continue to rise tomorrow. C'est la vie ~ 

I hope few years later when I read this post, I will laugh at my own silliness. 

This too, shall pass. When things are bad, remember: It won’t always be this way. Take one day at a time. When things are good, remember: It won’t always be this way. Enjoy every great moment. – Doe Zantamata


Wah, what a long wait, has been visiting the same post for long time.
Ya, I am the one who contribute some of the pageview to your site on and off..
As the usual lovely me...

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