Random Thoughts

Having one of the worst headaches since I started working full time again. It visited me once I woke up and it's still with me except for the 2 hours nap. Reluctantly took MC as I really didn't want to put my work on halt. I was thinking to blame it on stress and the weather but I guess I shall blame it on myself.

I think I've been harsh to myself, forcing myself to learn quicker and act faster. I was away from the industry for more than 5 years and I felt left behind. Fear creeped in and wreak havoc physically (the headache)/ emotionally (not so much, just a little XD). Been affected by a few other non-work-related factors too. 

On a positive note, I am really glad it's just headache and not so much about emotions. Come to think of how I was badly affected by every single small thing in life 10 years ago, I would say I've changed for the better :D?  I sincerely thank my husband for being my pillars of strength, no matter how knackered I am, I know there's always someone for me to rely on. When I thought of this, I start counting the blessings in my life - my family, my dogs, friends, colleagues, my small silver and etc etc. The list can go on and on. 

There's also something really important about positive energy. If you are feeling down and negative all the time, look around you. Find out if you are surrounded by people who are always negative or those who channel you positive energy? Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. 


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