Baked Dog Poos (Oatmeal Dog Cookies)
Made dog treats over the weekend. SIL asked why did I make dog poo. Then I realised the treats do look like dog poo. From someone who ate too much oats but failed to digest them :p I've been buying dog treats to reward Jack and Gypsy after their walks but I find them expensive. So I've decided to make them myself. Found the following recipe online. It's really easy to bake them: Ingredients 1 cup wholemeal flour or low protein flour 2 eggs 1 cup rolled oats Pre-heat the oven to 170 dgree C. Mix all the ingredients together and form a dough. Start shaping the dog treats (you can use a dog bone mold if you have one :)) Place the dog treats on a baking sheet. Send into oven and bake for 25 mins. Lower down the heat to 120 degree C and bake for another 20 mins. Let the cookies cool down and store them in air tight container. They can be kept for 1 - 2 weeks. Gave the treats to both of them and they love it! Jack gave up his escape plan just for the cookie....