
Showing posts from January, 2013

Year 2013

I've been slacking. Have been feeling reluctant to on my PC after working hours since months ago. Maybe age is catching up or maybe I am just too lazy. Didn't really have the mood to write a proper blog post and I just realised because I was trying hard not to reveal my real emotions. I used to blurt about everything and poor English/grammar mistake is never my concern but I am not sure since when I started to stop myself from being too emotional. Soooooo, in year 2013, I just want to be myself when I blog. That means I am free to use lazy/busy as execuses of not blogging, I can write long wordy posts without any pictures, I can be as emo as I want, I can curse as much as I like, I can go with random posts when I am not in the mood etc etc I know it's a tad late but better late than never :). I have been slacking in updating my blog but it's not like anyone is reading. *knock* Hello? Anyone there? A recap on year 2012: January  It wasn't a pleasant mon...

Hello, I am still alive!

I will be back soon. *serious tone* Is there anyone who's still reading this? LOL. Stay tuned! (don't say I didn't tell you :)). Happy 2013! What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. ~ T.S. Eliot quotes